
$dispatch is a helpful shortcut for dispatching browser events.

<div @notify="alert('Hello World!')">
<button @click="$dispatch('notify')">

You can also pass data along with the dispatched event if you wish. This data will be accessible as the .detail property of the event:

<div @notify="alert($event.detail.message)">
<button @click="$dispatch('notify', { message: 'Hello World!' })">

Under the hood, $dispatch is a wrapper for the more verbose API: element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(...))

Note on event propagation

Notice that, because of event bubbling, when you need to capture events dispatched from nodes that are under the same nesting hierarchy, you'll need to use the .window modifier:


<!-- 🚫 Won't work -->
<div x-data>
<span @notify="..."></span>
<button @click="$dispatch('notify')">Notify</button>
<!-- ✅ Will work (because of .window) -->
<div x-data>
<span @notify.window="..."></span>
<button @click="$dispatch('notify')">Notify</button>

The first example won't work because when notify is dispatched, it'll propagate to its common ancestor, the div, not its sibling, the <span>. The second example will work because the sibling is listening for notify at the window level, which the custom event will eventually bubble up to.

Dispatching to other components

You can also take advantage of the previous technique to make your components talk to each other:


x-data="{ title: 'Hello' }"
@set-title.window="title = $event.detail"
<h1 x-text="title"></h1>
<div x-data>
<button @click="$dispatch('set-title', 'Hello World!')">Click me</button>
<!-- When clicked, the content of the h1 will set to "Hello World!". -->

Dispatching to x-model

You can also use $dispatch() to trigger data updates for x-model data bindings. For example:

<div x-data="{ title: 'Hello' }">
<span x-model="title">
<button @click="$dispatch('input', 'Hello World!')">Click me</button>
<!-- After the button is pressed, `x-model` will catch the bubbling "input" event, and update title. -->

This opens up the door for making custom input components whose value can be set via x-model.

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