
Sometimes, when you're using AlpineJS for a part of your template, there is a "blip" where you might see your uninitialized template after the page loads, but before Alpine loads.

x-cloak addresses this scenario by hiding the element it's attached to until Alpine is fully loaded on the page.

For x-cloak to work however, you must add the following CSS to the page.

[x-cloak] { display: none !important; }

The following example will hide the <span> tag until its x-show is specifically set to true, preventing any "blip" of the hidden element onto screen as Alpine loads.

<span x-cloak x-show="false">This will not 'blip' onto screen at any point</span>

x-cloak doesn't just work on elements hidden by x-show or x-if: it also ensures that elements containing data are hidden until the data is correctly set. The following example will hide the <span> tag until Alpine has set its text content to the message property.

<span x-cloak x-text="message"></span>

When Alpine loads on the page, it removes all x-cloak property from the element, which also removes the display: none; applied by CSS, therefore showing the element.

Alternative to global syntax

If you'd like to achieve this same behavior, but avoid having to include a global style, you can use the following cool, but admittedly odd trick:

<template x-if="true">
<span x-text="message"></span>

This will achieve the same goal as x-cloak by just leveraging the way x-if works.

Because <template> elements are "hidden" in browsers by default, you won't see the <span> until Alpine has had a chance to render the x-if="true" and show it.

Again, this solution is not for everyone, but it's worth mentioning for special cases.

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